We all can use a little extra help with saving and spending our money wisely. The best financial gurus sometimes slip up and forget to follow their own budget. Stay on top of your finances by trying out one of the 10 budget apps listed below. A budget can be hard to keep but, an […]
6 Simple Steps To Budget Your Bills
How many bills do you pay a month? Do you even know? Or are they scattered all over the place with half a bill paid here and a third of a bill paid there? Are you allowing late fees to add up and ruin your credit? Paying bills is something we all have to do […]
How To Stop Living Paycheck To Paycheck
“No matter how much you earn, getting by is still a struggle for most people these days. Seventy-eight percent of full-time workers said they live paycheck to paycheck, up from 75 percent last year, according to a recent report from CareerBuilder,” states Jessica Dickler in her article from cnbc.com. You make $1,000 a week you spend […]
7 Things I Stopped Buying In Order To Save More Money
When you want more sometimes you have to give something up. I wanted to save more money so I had to cut out some of my expenses. I went about making my decision based on expenses that wouldn’t have a huge negative impact on my life if I gave them up. Some I do […]
How To Handle Your Finances As A First Year Entrepreneur
Sometimes life is about risking everything for a dream no one can see but you. –Anonymous Owning a business is hard work and there’s no way around that. There are plenty of ups and downs. As a first year entrepreneur I know you’re excited. Your dreams of working for yourself finally coming true! Your dreams […]
4 Steps You Can Take Today To Dramatically Increase Your Income
What are you doing to make a living? Whether it’s your job, your career or your business, the end goal is to earn an income—to make money in order to support yourself and your family. I got your passion and following your dreams speech…and I agree these are important. However, in order to survive in […]
How To Prepare For A Natural Disaster When On A Budget. Follow These 10 Steps To Stay Safe.
Dealing with a natural disaster can be very devastating. Storms are scary. My condolences to anyone whom has ever lost a loved one during a natural disaster. If you are experiencing property damage or displacement, I know it’s one of the worse feelings in the world. You may be feeling helpless and disheveled. Your emotions […]
How to Successfully Create a Budget
When I was a little girl about 6 or 7 years-old my grandmother gave me this red change purse. It was a hand me down that she said I could play with. The minute I had it in my hands I began to fill it with coins that I found and ones given to […]
5 Myths That Can Stop your Money From Growing
Do you want to grow your money and end the cycle of being in debt? Getting out of debt has been a goal of years for years. You think that learning to manage your money wiser just may help? Are you holding on to certain beliefs about money that are keeping you from creating your […]