Whether you just bought your brand new house or are a seasoned homeowner, decorating cost can be expensive. As a homeowner myself I’ve discovered some pretty nifty ways to decorate my house and spruce up a room on a budget. Of course you don’t want your house to look cheap. You want to find good […]
Valentine’s Day Cards At Affordable Prices
From unique, cute and romantic find the perfect card for your special valentine. Amazon has the right card you are looking to give this Valentine’s Day. Whether it’s for your sweetheart, a close friend or the kiddos this list is sure to provide a card for everyone. You can never go wrong with a greeting […]
20 Quality Toys Under $20 (Includes a Bonus–Teen gifts!)
What do you get your kids for the holiday season or their birthday? I know toys are on the list of course. But, what type of toys? Are you buying for your nieces or nephews? Maybe you are a grandparent, or just a mom or dad who isn’t up to date on the latest […]
4 Benefits To Why You Should Use A Written Budget Worksheet
Following a budget ends up becoming a drag for a lot of people. They absolutely hate it and refuse to keep a budget of any kind. Then, you have your budget nerds who obsess over keeping budgets. They enjoy endless Excel spreadsheets, and go goo-goo for ga-ga over the latest budget apps. Mention budget […]
7 Ways To Pay Your Rent When You Don’t Have The Money
Are you trying to figure out how you will pay your rent this month? Times can get hard in life. We all go through ups and downs. When certain times arise you have to decide how to deal with situations. Are you a glass half full or half empty kind of person? Paying bills can […]
Get Your Financial Life In Order And Accomplish Your Dreams In 2019
“Decide that nothing will stop you from achieving your dreams.” ~Billy Cox This is the year you will make your dreams come true. You have to decide to dedicate hard work toward accomplishing your goals and manifesting your dreams. Your time and energy are precious when working toward bringing your dreams to life. Having […]
How To Buy A New Car And Get The Best Deal In 6 Steps
Buying a car is a major purchase and it’s exciting for some people so, don’t get caught out there. Others may feel overwhelmed and stressed when they have to think about car shopping. Purchasing a new car is something we all have to endure at some point in our life. Usually it’s a very exciting […]
7 Incredible Financial Planners, Budget Sheets And Bill Schedulers To Help Rock Your Financial Goals In 2019
Have you considered how you will keep track of your financial goals this year? How do you plan to save on top of your budget? Goals are the compass that points us in the direction of our dreams. Without goals it’s easy to get lost. This includes setting goals for our financial dreams. Dreams such […]
How to Grocery Shop On A Budget: 8 Ways To Save Big
Let’s go on a grocery shopping journey with a fixed dollar amount that fits into your budget. Buying groceries can get quite pricey. This is also one bill that fluctuates month to month. It’s not a standard set amount like some of your other bills. Sometimes the amount is pretty low and at other times […]
6 Financial Goals To Start Now For 2019
Don’t let 2019 end up being another year where you don’t take your finances seriously. Yes, I know it seems over whelming and you just want to pull the covers over your head and act like your financial mayhem doesn’t exist. You want to simply continue to spend money without giving a second thought about […]