Do you fear opening the mailbox? Do you cringe when the phone rings and you don’t recognize the number? Sounds like you may be experiencing too much credit card debt. How will you get out? It’s like that cookie jar that set on the counter when you were a kid. You see it so you […]
7 Must Read Personal Finance Books to Ease Your Money Stress
Are you interested in sharpening your personal finance skills or have someone in your life who is? Think about giving a book as a gift this year. The book lover in your life will appreciate it. It’s nice to have a change of scenery and read a book sometimes instead of always staring at your phone […]
8 Ways To Save To Buy Your First House
You decide you are ready to buy a house. But, are your finances ready? When you are prepared for one of the biggest decisions of your life you have to be prepared to get your money on the right track. Buying a house is part of the American dream. Whether you are going it alone […]
How To Handle Your Finances As A First Year Entrepreneur
Sometimes life is about risking everything for a dream no one can see but you. –Anonymous Owning a business is hard work and there’s no way around that. There are plenty of ups and downs. As a first year entrepreneur I know you’re excited. Your dreams of working for yourself finally coming true! Your dreams […]
11 Budget Friendly Activities For Stressed Moms
My life has a lot going on right now. Writing this blog, pitching for freelance writing clients, grocery shopping every other day, fighting traffic getting to work, giving a dog a bath and getting a teenager to constantly clean her room. I have a full plate of chaos that’s very stressful at times. I’m also […]
4 Steps You Can Take Today To Dramatically Increase Your Income
What are you doing to make a living? Whether it’s your job, your career or your business, the end goal is to earn an income—to make money in order to support yourself and your family. I got your passion and following your dreams speech…and I agree these are important. However, in order to survive in […]
7 Ways to Save with Your Back to School Shopping Budget
Time to put the swim suits up and take the back packs out because it’s back to school time. However, for some families this can be a difficult time of the year. If you are struggling to keep afloat financially school shopping can be very daunting. From supplies to clothes to shoes for recess these items […]
10 Steps on How to Manage Your Monthly Income So You Won’t Go Broke
“The amount of money you have has got nothing to do with what you earn. People earning a million dollars a year can have no money. People earning $35,000 a year can be quite well off. It’s not what you earn, it’s what you spend.” ― Paul Clitheroe When you have a busy schedule and a lot […]
How to Get your Home Organized in 2019 to Create Wealth in your Life and Business
Cluttered spaces, messy places and poorly decorated bookcases. Could these be causing you from creating wealth? If you’re unable to concentrate, work and think clear in your space, home or home office then how do you expect to get your best work accomplished? I have come to realize that blogging is very hard work. But, […]
5 Budget Meal Plans to Lose Those Extra Holiday Pounds
We all make them, the dreaded New Year’s resolutions. Is one of yours to lose weight and get in shape? Then, join the club because that’s the number one resolution out there. The holidays are at fault. Blame it on all those visits to Grandma’s house. Turkeys weren’t the only things getting stuffed during the […]