Everyone gets behind on their bills at least once in their life. Due to different circumstances. Some of these could be due to a job loss, low income, emergency expenses or just plain poor money management skills. If you do find yourself in a position of getting behind on your bills you may also come […]
5 Tips To Fix Up A Foreclosure On A Budget
You just bought your very first house and it’s a foreclosure. Now what? The crash of the housing market and recession a few years ago had caused a fluctuation of foreclosed houses to appear on the market. Foreclosed homes before the recession usually were huge red flags that you wanted to avoid as a first […]
10 Best Budget Apps
We all can use a little extra help with saving and spending our money wisely. The best financial gurus sometimes slip up and forget to follow their own budget. Stay on top of your finances by trying out one of the 10 budget apps listed below. A budget can be hard to keep but, an […]
7 Incredible Financial Planners, Budget Sheets And Bill Schedulers To Help Rock Your Financial Goals In 2019
Have you considered how you will keep track of your financial goals this year? How do you plan to save on top of your budget? Goals are the compass that points us in the direction of our dreams. Without goals it’s easy to get lost. This includes setting goals for our financial dreams. Dreams such […]
6 Financial Goals To Start Now For 2019
Don’t let 2019 end up being another year where you don’t take your finances seriously. Yes, I know it seems over whelming and you just want to pull the covers over your head and act like your financial mayhem doesn’t exist. You want to simply continue to spend money without giving a second thought about […]
8 Ways To Avoid Using Credit Cards And Creating Debt
Do you fear opening the mailbox? Do you cringe when the phone rings and you don’t recognize the number? Sounds like you may be experiencing too much credit card debt. How will you get out? It’s like that cookie jar that set on the counter when you were a kid. You see it so you […]
4 Ways To Massively Grow Your Money Tree
Start off this New Year by organizing your financial goals. This budget planner is no ordinary planner. It includes an area to map out your bank account details, bill tracker sheets, monthly donation tracker sheets, debt tracker sheets, daily expense trackers, and monthly budget worksheets where you can write down and keep track of […]
How To Stop Living Paycheck To Paycheck
“No matter how much you earn, getting by is still a struggle for most people these days. Seventy-eight percent of full-time workers said they live paycheck to paycheck, up from 75 percent last year, according to a recent report from CareerBuilder,” states Jessica Dickler in her article from cnbc.com. You make $1,000 a week you spend […]
How To Simply Use A Credit Card To Improve Your Credit Score
Learn to use a credit card properly and you’re be surprised at the benefits it’ll offer. Credit cards often get a bad rap and for good reason. If you abuse the use of a credit card you’ll be up a creek without a paddle. Credit card debt is nothing to play with. Just the idea […]
7 Must Read Personal Finance Books to Ease Your Money Stress
Are you interested in sharpening your personal finance skills or have someone in your life who is? Think about giving a book as a gift this year. The book lover in your life will appreciate it. It’s nice to have a change of scenery and read a book sometimes instead of always staring at your phone […]