Everyone gets behind on their bills at least once in their life. Due to different circumstances. Some of these could be due to a job loss, low income, emergency expenses or just plain poor money management skills. If you do find yourself in a position of getting behind on your bills you may also come […]
How To Get Out of Debt: The 5 Most Common Types
Eliminate debt first by changing your mindset. Stop feeling overwhelmed by your overdue bills, your accumulated late fees and loaded down interest rates. Next, come up with a plan. What type of debt do you have? Can you afford to pay it off in one lump sum? Great! Do that. Are you not in a […]
8 Ways To Avoid Using Credit Cards And Creating Debt
Do you fear opening the mailbox? Do you cringe when the phone rings and you don’t recognize the number? Sounds like you may be experiencing too much credit card debt. How will you get out? It’s like that cookie jar that set on the counter when you were a kid. You see it so you […]